Set of Three Risograph Prints
Published on the occasion of II,I at Two Queens, 2016
Risograph Print
Blue ink
297 x 420 mm
Edition of 25
Individual prints available - £10

This risograph print is based on Austin’s 19th century book Chironomia, a series of drawings that try to encapsulate all the possible gestural movements involved in communicating.
Pages of figures that embody, by their numerous and subtly distinguished movements, the gamut of human gesture. They mark in turn the position of the hand, the elevation of the arm, the transverse situation of the arm, and the motion or force of the gesture - a detailed mapping of movements.
Here, instead, this risograph print includes a series of figures encapsulating all the gestural movements involved in a performance made in 2016 by Kettel called I,|| . Complete with a costumed figure in the bottom right corner emulating that found in the original Chironomia pages.
Performed at HUTT gallery and subsequently made into a three channel video played at Jerwood Space and Two Queens.