
A Tree Root Tapping on a Concrete Coffin

Single-Channel Video
Writer-in-residence, Nottingham Contemporary, 2023

Images: Screen Shots from A Tree Root Tapping on a Concrete Coffin video

Full Video here: The Contemporary Journal online 

Duration: 23 minutes

“A Tree Root Tapping on a Concrete Coffin is a new video work... comprising an experimental text linking personal, psychological and philosophical reflections on a series of relationships: organism and environment, foreground and background, time and space and emotional relationships. The video collages spoken text, sound and images carried by visual recordings from an augmented reality sandbox – a geological tool that visualises spatial patterns of environmental data related to topography and mapping. Continuing Kettel’s interests in language, ecology and the mental health of humans, plants and animals, along with their capacities to be emotionally disturbed.”

This video was made during the Writer-In-Residence period at Nottingham Contemporary

Written & edited by Beth Kettel
Voice & field recordings by Beth Kettel

With special thanks to Delfina Foundation & Nottingham Contemporary
Alistair Young, The River Wey Trust, for his generosity to access and explore the geological equipment that features in this video